Dr. Gabriela Duraes
Dentistry has always played an enormous role in Dr. Gabriela Duraes' life. The child of two dentists, Dr. Duraes grew up in a dental office. Because her parents would always take her to their office, where she would see many patients sitting in the chair to receive treatment, she immediately opened her mouth the first time she was placed in a dentist chair.
Over time, Dr. Duraes grew up to attend the same university as her parents. She was born and raised in Brazil, where she received her DDS degree at the Federal University of Diamantina, in 2005. Dr. Duraes strived to distinguish herself from her peers during dental education and graduated 2nd in her class.
Odontologia sempre fez parte da vida da Dr Gabriela Duraes. Ela é filha de dois dentistas e cresceu num consultório odontológico em Itabuna, Bahia. Os pais da Dr Gaby sempre a levavam ao consultório e quando ela tinha seis meses sua primeira reação ao sentar na cadeira de dentista foi abrir a boca! O tempo passou e Dra Gabriela cursou a mesma Universidade dos pais, a Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri em Diamantina, MG, Brasil. Ela recebeu um prêmio e se graduou como a segunda colocada no ranking da turma.
Em 2006, Dra Gabriela se mudou para Baltimore, EUA, onde completou 2 anos de residência na Universidade de Maryland. Durante o curso de Educação Avançada em Clínica Geral ela recebeu o prêmio Harry W. F. Dressel dado a alunos que se destacam quanto ao atendimento humanizado durante as reabilitações orais. Dra Gabriela também completou um Mestrado em Ciências Biológicas. Dr Gabriela é treinada nas mais diversas áreas da Odontologia: Prótese, Endodontia, Cirurgia, Periodontia e Implantes. Ela é dedicada a criar uma experiência única ao paciente, personalizando o tratamento de acordo com a necessidade de cada um. A Dra Gabriela fala Portuges, Inglês e Espanhol.

After receiving her DDS degree, Dr. Duraes moved to Baltimore. There, she completed a two-year Advanced Education in General Dentistry program at the University of Maryland. She excelled at the University of Maryland, where she received the honor of the Harry W. F. Dressel Award for clinical proficiency in General Dentistry and the concept of total patient care. Dr. Duraes also earned her Master's in Biomedical Sciences. She published the results of her Master's thesis in the Journal of Dental Research, one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the field of dentistry.
As a dentist, Dr. Duraes understands that skill and compassion go hand-in-hand when providing exceptional dental care. She has many years of clinical experience in all aspects of dentistry, including implant dentistry and cosmetics, and is dedicated to creating the best possible experience for all her patients in a relaxing, comfortable, and supportive environment. Dr. Duraes is a member of the American Dental Association, Illinois State Dental Society, and Chicago Dental Society.
Call (224) 231-4638 or schedule online to set up your visit. We'll be in touch soon!